Great for business. Good for the world.
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There’s greatness
in doing good.

How effective is your approach to giving?

Is it hit and miss, or do you have an integrated strategy? Is it something you’re putting off, or is it actively moving your company forward? Is it part of your business plan, or an after thought? Worthy causes aren’t the only ones who benefit from a strategic approach to corporate impact. So can your business.


Your purpose is the lens thru which you filter all your business decisions - from the tiny to the monumental.
— Paul Jarvis/Company of One


Ready to turn giving into a powerful business asset?

Investing in corporate impact is no longer the question. Today, it’s about how strategically you go about it.
By designing a plan around your company mission, culture and core values, giving back can become a powerful tool for advancing your business.

72% of Millennials want a job that makes an impact

79% of people want to work for a socially responsible company

90% of consumers will switch to a brand associated with a good cause


Let's chat.

For a free one-hour consultation, contact Meg at 616.485.4481 or, or complete the form below.